Robin L. Mitchell has served in ministry for over 30 years as a local missionary preacher, field coordinator for local evangelism, former singles coordinator, Youth Minister, Technology Director, and more for his home congregation, McAlmont Church of Christ. He has received numerous invitations to preach at congregations in Arkansas, California, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and Jamaica, and the list is continuously growing. Robin became an ordained minister in 2000 and developed a pre-marriage counseling guide in 2003. He published his first couple's devotional in 2016, "Inspire The Love You Desire - 30 Days of Love Tips". His engineering background spans over 28 years with numerous certifications and awards; currently employed as a Sales Engineering Manager with iBwave Solutions - a subsidiary of Corning Optical Communications. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Anita, for 27 years residing in Little Rock, AR.